For Existing Clients

Contractor Information:


Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm

Toll Free Number: 1-833-457-8747



Hours of Operation: Monday to Sunday, 24hrs a day

Toll Free Number: 1-866-367-2830


Clients must keep their mobility status, address, telephone number, and emergency contact information current with Program Administration since this is the source of all passenger information.

Please keep in mind that participation in the New Freedom Transportation Program is a privilege, not a right.  We ask that clients treat our Program Administration  and taxicab  drivers respectfully. Discourteous, abusive, disruptive, menacing, or threatening behavior may result in suspension or  termination of services.

The following are prohibited on and/or in vehicles  during taxicab trips:

  • Smoking
  • Open food and alcohol containers
  • Littering
  • Profanity
  • Weapons

Please note that drivers will be asked to obey the same rules and responsibilities as those required of passengers.